Through worship, service, and education, we practice our faith, grow in our relationship with God and experience God's grace in our lives.

At Abiding Presence, we give thanks to God for over 60 years of ministry in this community and commit ourselves to carrying this ministry forward in the name of Jesus as the Spirit leads us.

Every service that we livestream is kept here on our YouTube channel and on this page of our website

for future viewing.

9:30am - Sunday Worship - Second Sunday of Lent

Sunday school

In person and Livestream via YouTube here.

Download the bulletin here.

7:30pm - Monday Worship

In person only

Download the bulletin here.

10:30am and 7:30pm - Wednesday Lenten Worship with Holy Communion

through April 16

Lenten Potluck suppers will precede the evening Lenten worship on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

11:00am (Note time change during Lent)

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

at Abiding Presence Church

8:00am - Men's Breakfast and Bible Study

at Abiding Presence Church

Good Shepherd Hall on the

First and Third Saturday of each month