Welcome to Abiding Presence Church,

I gladly welcome you to join our community of faith regardless of age, race, or orientation.

Our church is a community of faith that shares a passion for making positive changes in our community and in the world. Our faith is built around a strong belief in God as made known to us in Jesus Christ. 

I invite you to join us for worship.  The worship and Bible study schedules are listed below.  For those who are not able to be physically present, please know that our prayers reach out to you as well. 

If you are unfamiliar with our church and are interested in learning more about our parish, please contact me at 631-269-6454 and I will be glad to answer any questions you might have.   

Visit our News/Events page here for upcoming events, and activities in our church and community.

God's Blessings and Peace be with you,

Pastor Robert Schoepflin

Gathered by Christ, Growing in faith, Sent to serve, All are welcome!


For The Beauty of The Earth; Abiding Presence Choir


Through worship, service, and education, we practice our faith, grow in our relationship with God and experience God's grace in our lives.

At Abiding Presence, we give thanks to God for 60 years of ministry in this community and commit ourselves to carrying this ministry forward in the name of Jesus as the Spirit leads us.


  Every service that we livestream is kept here on our YouTube channel and on this page of our website

for future viewing.

9:30am - Sunday Worship/Sunday school

In person and Livestream via YouTube here.

Download the bulletin here.


7:30pm - Monday Worship

Download the bulletin here.


10:30am - Wednesday Morning Bible Study at Abiding Presence Church

  We are reading 1st Samuel

8:00am - Men's Breakfast and Bible Study

Saturday, October 19

7:30pm - Feast of All Saints

Friday, November 1


Oktoberfest is scheduled for Saturday, October 26th at 5:00pm in Good Shepherd Hall. (This event is adults only, 21 and over please). Invitations are being emailed to all church members via Evite. You will be instructed to choose your dinner option along with your response. There will be a link to the church website where you can make your payment if you choose to do so. We kindly ask that you have one family member respond for all attending and submit payment upon your response to reserve seating. Payment can also be made at church by placing it in the basket on the narthex table along with your response. You can also mail your payment and response to the church office or pay by credit card using the QR code on the flyer. Please be sure to keep the top portion of the flyer. Payment is due by October 16th. This event will fill up quickly so don’t delay!

Download the flyer here.

SPONSORSHIPS/ADVERTISEMENTS: This year we will be selling sponsorships that will be printed in a booklet and placed on each diner’s table. If you would like to be a sponsor for the evening, we have three sponsorship options. Please see the bulletin insert for details and payment information. Additional flyers are on the narthex table and attached below for downloading. 

Download the flyer for sponsorship/advertisement requests here.

TAKE A BASKET FILL A BASKET FOR OKTOBERFEST! Assembled raffle baskets are needed for Oktoberfest. Empty baskets are available in the narthex for anyone who would like to fill a raffle basket. Please take one and sign your name on the sheet at the narthex table so that we know who it is from on the day of the event. Thank you in advance for your creativity and cooperation!


In an effort to provide members with easy access to online giving, we created a QR (Quick Response) code.

A QR code is a type of bar code that is used to access online information through your smartphone.

To use the QR code, simply open the camera app on your phone. Point the camera at the QR code. Tap the banner that appears on your phone. Then follow the instructions to complete your transaction. 

We hope that this will be a convenient way to provide a safe, contactless method of giving for our members.

If you wish to set up reoccurring donations, visit out GIVING page here.


The mission of Abiding Presence Lutheran Church, a spiritual home centered in Christ and community, is to share Jesus’ love in our words and in our works as we welcome all to the family of God. 


Altar Flowers, Sanctuary Candle, Candles of Grace, and Holy Communion (Wine and Bread) may be dedicated each week by filling out one of the altar charts located on the wall near the coat closet entrance in the church narthex. 

You can also call the church office at 631-269-6454 with your dedication request.

The dedication may be “In Loving Memory of...” or “In Honor/Celebration of...” and will be shown in print in the bulletin of the Sunday you requested. Money donated towards altar dedications is used to offset the cost of supplies and materials that are used in various dedications. 

You will be sent an invoice for your dedication. Please see the cost of each below.

Altar Flowers -$55.00  

Candles of Grace - $20.00

Sanctuary (Vigil) Candle - $15.00

Holy Communion (Wine and Bread) - $15.00

Thank you in advance for your support. 


At church events and fundraisers photographs and video may be taken and used for promotional purposes on our church website, publications, and social media.

If you do not wish to have your photo included, please tell the photographer or contact the church office prior to the event.

Abiding Presence Lutheran Church Photo Privacy, Submission Policies, and Photo Release forms are below.

Photo Submission Policy here.

Photo Privacy Policy here.

Photo Release Form here